Research and the State

research and the stateIn this annual forum, graduate students present posters of their research or scholarly work to the K-State community. Ten presenters are selected to represent K-State at the annual Capitol Graduate Research Summit (CGRS) held in the spring at the State Capitol Building, where graduate students present their posters to state legislators and the public.

2024 Research and the State poster session

September 30 - Registration deadline
October 30 - Poster forum, K-State Student Union Courtyard

Additional details are forthcoming. Registration will open in August.

2023 event

Abstract booklet
Award recipients news release



ALL K-State graduate students are invited to participate in Research and the State to presenter their research and share why it is important to Kansas lawmakers and citizens.


Questions about research forums may be directed to the Graduate Student Council at or the Graduate School at 785-532-6191.