Prestigious International and National Travel Awards
The Prestigious International and National Travel Awards are a special line of funding designated to support graduate students who have been selected by a non-K-State international or national committee or organization for a major award that recognizes the individuals academic accomplishments. In addition to the award the student may be asked to present their scholarly work or performance and/or, attend a prestigious conference or professional meeting. The award will bring recognition to both the graduate and will enhance the national and international reputation of the student's graduate program and Kansas State University.
Important Note: This award is not to support regular international travel to present papers posters, exhibition, or performance.
If you are uncertain if you are eligible to apply for the Prestigious International and National Travel Award, please contact the GSC president at before filling out the application to discuss whether or not you qualify.
This is a competitive award funded by the Graduate Student Council and differs from general GSC Travel Awards. Funds are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. A student may receive a Prestigious Travel Award only once during his/her graduate studies at K-State. Students receiving this award will not be eligible for any additional funding through the Graduate Student Council during the fiscal year the Prestigious Travel Award is received. Students attending an international event are eligible for $1,000 and students attending a national event are eligible for $750. All awards will be paid as a reimbursement after travel. Applications must be made prior to travel.
To apply, complete the application (.doc) and submit to the GSC at
Applications will be reviewed by the Dean of the Graduate School and the Graduate Student Council Executive Committee.
Please direct all questions to