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Commencement Ceremonies

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Wearing Academic Apparel

All participants are required to wear graduation regalia. Traditionally, graduation regalia is not ornamented. Wearing of corsages, boutonnieres or any other ornamentation is not appropriate to academic protocol. Native American tribal regalia is welcomed as approved regalia for all commencement ceremonies at Kansas State University.

Tassel Placement

Bachelor's candidates

Place tassel on right side of mortar board. Following conferral of degree, place tassel on left side.

Master's and doctoral candidates

Place tassel on left side of mortar board.

Mortar Boards

Wear it squarely on top of the head, board parallel to the floor; not cocked to the sides, forward or back. Kansas State University supports the decoration of caps for the commencement ceremony. While the University recognizes that this is an important activity, students choosing to wear a decorated cap during the ceremony must follow the Cap Decoration Guidelines.


Master's candidates

Wear hoods during all academic ceremonies. Marshals will be available to assist you with the proper manner to wear a hood.

Doctoral candidates

The candidate's major professor will carry the hood in approaching the platform. Major professors will hood the candidates during the ceremony.

Honor Cords (bachelor's candidates only)

The cords are attached to the gown on the wearer's left shoulder. Cords are mailed to qualified degree candidates diploma address via the Registrar's Office.