K-State Supervisory Foundations
K-State Supervisory Foundations is a comprehensive supervisory program for all K-State supervisors offered three times each year. Programming includes a partnership with Human Resources, a variety of academic units, and key leaders at K-State.
Individuals who are eligible to enroll in this course include active supervisors of university support staff (USS) and unclassified professional staff. A University Support Staff (USS) employee in a supervisory position must successfully complete supervisory training within six months of the date of appointment or promotion per PPM Chapter 4880.
Pillar I: Establishing Your Supervisory Foundation sessions are offered during the months of March/April, June, and October. For scheduling and enrollment information, please view the links below.
K-State Supervisory Foundations offers the opportunity for participants to take as many sessions or as few sessions as schedules permit. While some may wish to complete all sessions in the same month, other participants may choose to select portions of the program to meet their needs. Both options are available and acknowledgement of program completion will be made once all training requirements are fulfilled.
Pillar I Spring 2025 Registration
Pillar I: Establishing Your Supervisory Foundation
Pillar I programming provides essential supervisor information and best practices to promote effective supervision in a higher education environment. Training content includes a combination of online and classroom learning integrating a mixture of discussions, case studies, and lectures from K-State subject matter experts. The program includes the sessions below.
Pillar I Resource Guide
This session is suitable for all academic, professional and support staff with management and/or leadership roles across the University. Participants will understand the importance of a leader who encourages and guides employees, advances teamwork, inspires trust, and optimizes results. |
Understanding Your Role as a K-State Supervisor |
Session Description | Objectives |
Additional Materials: Book - The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry by Hammond; Book - Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Scott; Book - Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't by Collins
Effectively Utilizing K-State Policies and University Handbook |
Session Description | Objectives |
This session provides an interactive opportunity for supervisors to apply K-State employment policies and the University handbook. |
Prerequisite Online Training Modules: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for Supervisors, "Benefit" Your Team, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Basics: What You Need to Know, Foundations of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Additional Materials: Disability Etiquette in the Workplace
Mindful Communication for Supervisors |
Session Description | Objectives |
This session will provide participants insight into their own communication styles and anxieties. Participation will help supervisors understand how verbal and nonverbal communication can help to create more mindful, effective messages to employees. |
Additional Materials: Dr. Lisa Barrett's Ted Talk - You aren't at the mercy of your emotions, your brain created them
Understanding Legal & Ethical Responsibilities of Supervisors |
Session Description | Objectives |
This session is designed to introduce participants to legal concepts by providing an overview of key laws and policies impacting the workplace. Participants will learn how to spot legal issues and how to best utilize resources to assist with potential legal and ethical concerns. |
Additional Materials: Coming Soon
Fostering Community as a Supervisor |
Session Description | Objectives |
An interactive and informative session where participants will engage in a community healing hub and explore practices that will lead to our shared vision of One K-State. |
Additional Materials: Coming Soon
Building Your Conflict Management Toolkit |
Session Description | Objectives |
Enhance your confidence in managing conflict within your department/unit by building your toolkit geared towards your supervisory role in responding to challenging situations that naturally occur within the workplace. |
Additional Materials: Dr. Brene Brown Video - The Anatomy of Trust; Book - Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, Switzler, and Roppe; Book - Crucial Accountability: Tools for Resolving Violated Expectations, Broken Commitment, and Bad Behavior by Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, Switzler, and Maxfield; Book - The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People by Chapman and White; Book - 5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life: Identifying and Dealing with Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Other High-Conflict Personalities by Eddy; Book - Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most by Stone, Patton and Heen; Book - Toxic Coworks: How to Deal with Dysfunctional People on the Job by Cavaiola, Lavender;
Collaborative Communication for Supervisors |
Session Description | Objectives |
This session focuses on communication and decision-making, highlighting ways that communication can facilitate or hinder collaborative decision-making practices in the workplace. |
Additional Materials: Coming Soon
Performance Management: Supervisory Best Practices |
Session Description | Objectives |
This highly interactive session will highlight the strategic best practices necessary for efficiently completing performance reviews and disciplinary action. It will also emphasize the supervisor's role in coaching employees for success and providing support. |
Prerequisite Online Training Modules: Attendance Guidelines for University Support Staff (USS), Corrective Action for University Support Staff (USS)
Additional Materials: Coming Soon
The Strategic Leader |
Session Description | Objectives |
In this session, participants will gain a deeper understanding of their own leadership styles and have an introduction to the leadership styles of others through completing the CliftonStrengths Assessment. Participants will then explore strategies to increase engagement and motivate their colleagues. Through case-studies, participants will explore how to speak to loss and manage change at the unit and organizational level. |
Additional Materials: Website - Working at depth in organisational and leadership development (Organisational Change and Management); Website - Kansas Leadership Center - Your Leadership Edge (Adaptive Leadership)