Student Academic Dishonesty Survey Preliminary Report*
KSU=Kansas State University
No CS=Not an Honor Code School
CS=An Honor Code School
What would you do if you saw another student cheating on a major test or examination? What would you do if you saw a friend cheating on a major test or examination? ( x )
Report cheaters |
Ask cheater to report themselves |
Express disapproval informally |
Mention incident to other students |
Ignore the incident |
Other |
If someone asked you for help during a test or exam, how would you respond?
If a
asked you for help during a test or exam, how would you respond? (
Give him/her the answer |
Say nothing but expose their paper so he/she can copy the answer |
Ignore or turn down the request |
Express disapproval informally but not report him/her |
Report him/her to the instructor or other appropriate authority |
Other |
% Students rating each statement "low" or "very low"
Competitiveness for grades |
Student pressure to get good grades |
Severity of penalties for cheating |
Chances of getting caught cheating |
Student understanding of policies |
Faculty understanding of policies |
Faculty support of policies |
Effectiveness of policies |
% Students who agree with the following statement:
Faculty members show little uniformity in addressing cheating |
Faculty don't try hard to catch cheating |
Cheating is a serious problem at KSU |
I am bothered by cheating at my school |
Judicial process is fair and impartial |
Students should be held responsible for monitoring the cheating of others |
Measure likely to be taken by faculty who suspects cheating on a major test or examination. Measure likely to be taken by faculty who suspects cheating on a major written assignment . The percentages for major written assignments are written in parentheses ( x ) .
Probably nothing |
Reprimand the student and warn not to do again |
Make student retake exam or assignment |
Fail student on exam or assignment |
Fail student in the course |
Report a student |
Other |
Measure likely to be taken by faculty if student is convicted of cheating on a major test or examination. Measure likely to be taken by faculty if student isconvicted of cheating on a major written assignment . The percentages for major written assignments are written in parentheses ( x ) .
Reprimand the student and warn not to do again |
Make student retake exam or assignment |
Fail student on exam or assignment |
Fail student in the course |
Put a written warning in file or place on probation |
Suspend student from school |
Expel student from school |
Other |
Don't know |
% of students who have seen student cheating on a test or exam. % of students who have reported another student for cheating ( x ).
Cheating on test or exam |
% of students admitting to one or more instances of each behavior.
% of students who think behavior is
not serious
cheating in parenthesis (
) .
Copying on test w/o other's knowledge |
Copying on test w/ other's knowledge |
Using unpermitted crib notes |
Getting Q/A from someone who has taken a test |
Helping someone cheat on a test |
Cheating on a test in any other way |
Copying material, almost word for word, from any source for one's own work |
Fabricating or falsifying a bibliography |
Turning in work done by someone else |
Receiving substantial, unpermitted help on an assignment |
Working on an assignment with others when the instructor asked for individual work |
Copying a few sentences of material without footnoting them in a paper |
Writing or providing a paper for another |
Turning in a paper obtained from "paper mill" or web site |
Plagiarizing a paper in any way using the Internet as a source |
Copying a computer program as own |
Falsifying lab or research data |
% of students unlikely to report cheating incident:
Unlikely to report |
% typical students unlikely to report cheating incident:
Unlikely to report |
% students unlikely to report a close friend:
Unlikely to report |
Major reasons student would have difficulty reporting:
Not my concern or responsibility |
Don't want to be a "rat"/snitch |
Don't want to get involved |
Friend |
% students with incorrect data on admissions application:
Incorrect data-admissions application |
% students with incorrect data on financial aid application:
Incorrect data-financial aid |
% students with incorrect data on resume:
Incorrect data-resume |
*Donald L. McCabe. 1999 Fall Semester Academic Dishonesty Survey Study conducted at Kansas State University.