What Do I Do? What Do I Say?

Confronting/speaking with/sanctioning students who have violated the K-State Honor Pledge

These are tips you can use and steps you can take in addressing episodes of academic dishonesty. Not all faculty feel comfortable in confronting students in these situations. If you need more information or assistance, please feel free to contact Honor & Integrity System staff at: honor@ksu.edu (email), 532-2595 (office).


Reporting a student to the Honor & Integrity System

  1. Helps track repeat Honor Pledge violators,
  2. Provides students the option to contest allegations,
  3. Protects faculty from legal redress by following established academic procedures, and
  4. Promotes academic integrity, as well as, helps student ethical development. The Honor & Integrity System is based on the belief that reporting Honor Pledge violations helps students grow in the ability to reason through future ethical dilemmas. Educational sanctions help students learn to take time when making decisions affecting not only the student, but also the community.