FMLA Centralization

A centralized approach to the university's Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) practices mitigates risk and minimizes employee touchpoints and responsibility duplication. Our new FMLA process will improve record keeping and tracking, simplify return-to-work coordination, enhance customer service and increase employee privacy. It also will create better communication protocols for managers and supervisors and make it easier to remain compliant with federal regulations while expediting our service to employees using FMLA leave.

FMLA Centralization Methodology

A focus group formed in the Fall of 2023 comprised of FMLA facilitators to obtain information about their current understanding, frustrations, questions and concerns about the FMLA process. This group identified who was administering and using FMLA leave to identify shortcomings while designing a new and improved process.

The focus group shared:

  • An extremely positive response to the proposed new FMLA procedures.
  • A concern about tracking hours accurately with a need for this aspect to be part of the time and leave system.
  • A request for additional training for HR Liaisons as well as supervisors to enhance knowledge on the regulation and help identify swim lanes
  • A strong desire for a culture where employees and supervisors are comfortable reporting the need for FMLA.

These findings led to the development of an improved FMLA process. View FMLA process map (pdf) . Our new procedures will begin with HR liaisons, the first point of contact for K-State employees. Our liaisons provide referrals to the benefits team, relying upon the FMLA specialist to handle all federal forms and formal communications and consultations. Renewed training and a streamlined process will empower our HR staff to better serve employees utilizing FMLA benefits.

FMLA Rollout

The new FMLA process will be implemented in phases (pdf), strategically grouped by colleges and departmental units. The first phase begins in late January 2024, with more groups added each month. FMLA centralization should conclude for all colleges and units by June 30, 2024. Training on our new process will occur monthly for each phased group, beginning with units supported by the Administrative Support Center (ASC). Our group of early adopters will serve as advocates for the process implementation in all phases that follow.

Our FMLA website provides the lastest policy information, FAQs and training material and will continue to update as our process evolves.

Future Vision for FMLA Facilitation

Increased training of our new FMLA process to campus departments and HR personnel promises to create a user-friendly, streamlined process for employees and increase FMLA knowledge universitywide.

The projected outcomes of this improved process are to:

  • Remain in compliance with federal regulations.
  • Create a user-friendly, streamlined process for employees.
  • Increase the number of FMLA cases due to an improved reporting process.
  • Enhanced methods of tracking and reporting FMLA data.
  • Expand FMLA knowledge, training and awareness throughout campus.

FMLA Centralization Timeline