University Support Staff Employee Due Process

Due process is a legal term that has been adapted into an informal process in today's employment environment. The process provides a framework for all disciplinary issues to be addressed by the Director of Employee Relations and Engagement or his/her designee.

As outlined in PPM Chapter 4020, Disciplinary Action Procedures for University Support Staff, there are steps to be taken prior to involving the Director of Employee Relations and Engagement. The first step in the disciplinary process is an Oral Reminder and the second step is a Written Reminder.

Steps in Due Process at the point when the Director of Employee Relations and Engagement is involved (Decision-making leave, Demotion or Dismissal):

  • Department informs employee that they are going to request disciplinary action and what action they are requesting (decision-making leave, demotion or dismissal).
  • Department requests disciplinary action (decision-making leave, demotion or dismissal) by submitting a letter with pertinent facts to the Director of Employee Relations and Engagement.
  • Director of Employee Relations and Engagement or his/her designee reviews the documentation and sets a time to meet with the employee to hear their perspective.
  • Director of Employee Relations and Engagement or his/her designee meets with the requesting department to discuss the concerns and get any clarification necessary after talking to the employee.
  • Director of Employee Relations and Engagement or his/her designee determines whether the requested disciplinary action is warranted. If not, the Director of Employee Relations and Engagement or his/her designee determines what the appropriate level of discipline is. If the decision is different than what was requested, the Director of Employee Relations and Engagement or his/her designee contacts the requesting department to explain the decision.
  • The Director of Employee Relations and Engagement or his/her designee writes a letter to the employee (copy department) explaining the basis for the disciplinary action, the level of disciplinary action, the effective date of the action, and the appeal rights associated with the action.
    • If the discipline level is a decision-making leave, demotion, or dismissal, the employee can appeal to the University Support Staff Peer Review Committee. Information regarding this process is found in PPM Chapter 4030

When questions or concerns arise during the disciplinary processes, employees are encourages to first visit with their leaders o have their questions or concerns addressed. If the employee continues to have questions or concerns regarding the disciplinary action, they are encouraged to contact Employee Relations and Engagement.

Contact information:

Justin Wild
Senior Employee Relations & Engagement Specialist