Faculty Awards
Awards and Honors
K-State is home to many leading scholars, see Faculty Honors for a list of fellows, endowed faculty chairs, professorships and more.
National Faculty Awards
Description, eligibility information, submission deadlines and websites for national faculty awards.
University Awards and Honors
Information about awards available, eligibility, guidelines, important dates, and award amounts.
Big 12 Faculty Fellowship Award
The Chief Academic Officers of the Big 12 universities created the Big 12 Faculty Fellowship program for the purpose of stimulating scholarly activities in the areas of teaching, research and service. Recently, a mentoring and networking component has been added to facilitate the establishment of contacts and networks for new faculty with outstanding individuals in their discipline at other Big 12 universities. The program offers the faculty the opportunity to travel to member institutions to participate in cross mentoring among universities, develop working relationships and exchange ideas with others [Recipients] [Guidelines].
Coffman Chair for University Distinguished Teaching Scholars
The Coffman Chair for University for Distinguished Teaching Scholars was created in 1995 to underscore Kansas State University's commitment to excellence in undergraduate teaching and learning. A faculty member acknowledged as a leading teacher scholar is appointed to the chair for one academic year. All who are selected to hold the chair retain the title of University Distinguished Teaching Scholar throughout their careers [Recipients] [Guidelines].
Commerce Bank Presidential Faculty and Staff Award for Distinguished Services to Historically Underrepresented Students
Established in 1978 to recognize outstanding individual contributions to the development of quality education for students of color at Kansas State. Nominees may be a faculty or staff member, an alumnus, a graduate student, or a friend of the University. This $1,500 award is sponsored by the William T. Kemper Foundation through the Commerce Bank.
Commerce Bank Presidential Student Award for Distinguished Services in Enhancing Multiculturalism at Kansas State University
This award was established in the spring of 1997 to recognize outstanding individual contributions to diversity enhancement within the student sector.
Commerce Bank and W. T. Kemper Foundation Distinguished Graduate Faculty Awards
The Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award is made annually to those faculty who have distinguished themselves nationally and internationally for excellence in research and graduate education. Normally, up to two faculty are selected annually by a group of faculty peers. Recipients receive an honorarium and deliver a public lecture following selection for this award [Recipients] [Guidelines].
Commerce Bank and W.T. Kemper Foundation Undergraduate Outstanding Teaching Awards
Selections for four annual $3,000 awards are made at the college levels to recognize excellence in teaching performance in the undergraduate program. These awards were established in 1968 and are now sponsored by the William T. Kemper Foundation through the Commerce Bank. Any faculty in an undergraduate program are eligible based on alternating years (i.e., Even Academic Years: Architecture, Planning & Design; Arts & Sciences; Business Administration; Engineering; Odd Academic Years: Arts & Sciences; Education; Health & Human Sciences).
International Educator of the Year Award
This award was established by the Provost in 2003 to recognize an individual who has contributed to advancing international education at Kansas State University. One person is announced each fall during International Education Week and recognized at the all University awards the following spring. The recipient receives a plaque and a $1,000 honorarium [Recipients] [Guidelines].
Excellence in Engagement Award
Established in 2011 by the Office of Provost, the Kansas State University Excellence in Engagement awards are given to highlight excellence in engaged scholarship (via research, teaching, and/or outreach). These awards recognize KSRE and campus faculty initiatives that demonstrate innovative and/or sustained efforts in university/community engagement positively impacting both university and community partners [Recipients] [Guidelines].
Presidential Award for Outstanding Department Head
This annual award acknowledges the recipients accomplishments and governance as a department head, service/cooperation with other units in the College and University, and service to external clientele, professional societies, and to the community. This $5,000 award is sponsored by the Curtin Companies and the Office of the President.
Presidential Faculty Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and Presidential Graduate Teaching Assistant Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Recognizing excellence in teaching performance by the senior staff of the university in the undergraduate program, two $5,000 awards are made each year. The awards are sponsored by the Curtin Companies and the Office of the President.
President's Award of Excellence for Unclassified Professional Staff
The purpose of these awards is to foster excellence in the workplace by rewarding and recognizing unclassified professional staff who achieve excellence and/or make exemplary contributions to the mission and values of K-State through service as a team player, exceptional productivity, creativity or innovation, distinguished accomplishment, leadership and/or belonging. Five award winners will be selected annually, one in each category. The award(s) will be presented in the spring of each year. The recipient(s) will receive a monetary award of $1000 [Recipients] [Guidelines].
University Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Student in Research
This award has been established to recognize outstanding individual contribution by an undergraduate in research. One $1,000 award will be presented to an undergraduate recipient in the spring semester.
University Distinguished Faculty Award for the Mentoring of Undergraduate Students in Research
This award has been established to recognize outstanding individual contributions to the inclusion and development of undergraduates in research. One $4,000 faculty award will be presented in the spring semester.
University Distinguished Professors
The title of University Distinguished Professor is a lifetime title that represents the highest honor Kansas State University can bestow on its faculty, an award that recognizes those making outstanding contributions to teaching, research, and service to their professions and communities. University Distinguished Professors are appointed following a University-wide competition held by the provost. Notification of the competition is made to all faculty by the provost in the Fall [Guidelines].
University Outstanding Department or Unit Award for Enhancing Diversity
This award, established in 2003, recognizes the exceptional efforts undertaken by a unit or department to enhance diversity. One department or unit will be selected each year during the spring semester and will be awarded a plaque and $2,500.
University Outstanding Scholar Awards
The aims of this program are to reward and increase the recognition of Kansas State University’s most promising faculty, to identify potential faculty candidates for University Distinguished Professor and external award nominations and recognitions, and to increase retention of excellent faculty. Each University Outstanding Scholar receives a $10,000 base salary increase. A maximum of ten University Outstanding Scholars will be designated each year.
University Support Staff Award of Excellence
This university-wide award was established to recognize exemplary performance and contributions of university support staff members who consistently excel in their positions and demonstrate integrity and a strong commitment to the mission and values of Kansas State University. The recipient(s) will receive a monetary award of $1000. Three award winners will be selected; one each from the following categories; Office and Clerical, Technical and Professional, and Service, Maintenance and Skilled Crafts [Receipients] [Guidelines].