ComPsych Offerings

Talent and Organizational Development has partnered with ComPsych, K-State's employee assistance provider, to offer a variety of training sessions available at K-State’s Manhattan campus or via webinar.

Training Sessions

Upcoming sessions available in Manhattan are: TBD

There is no charge to participants, but registration is necessary to ensure adequate seating and materials. Participants my register through HRIS Self-Enrollment or by sending an email to


Webinar sessions available are listed below. Please check back often for a registration link to sign up for a webinar.

There are currently no upcoming live webinars.

All webinar sessions are recorded and archived for you to view at your convenience. To view a webinar that already took place, please click on the topics below. All participants will be asked to provide their name and email address to view the content.

Becoming a Better Listener (48 min 34 sec)

Effective Communication (41 min 29 sec)

How to Deal with a Difficult Person (47 min 35 sec)

Using Reason to Resolve Conflict (46 min 26 sec)

Emotional Intelligence (50 min 41 sec)

HealthQuest credit

Employees who attend a training session or view the live webinar are eligible for one HealthQuest credit. Please note that HealthQuest credit cannot be granted if you view a recorded webinar.