Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Basics: What You Need to Know
Course Code: KSF004
Course Name: Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Basics: What You Need to Know
Prerequisite: None
Department: Human Resources
Length of Session: 20 Minutes (Online)
Audience: Supervisors
Session Description: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is the feral law that establishes a minimum wage, premium pay for overtime hours worked by nonexempt employees, and protections for children who work. This training provides an overview of the regulations and how they relate to your role and responsibilities as a supervisor.
Session Objectives: As a result of this session, participants will:
- Be able to explain the basics of FLSA
- Understand the current status of FLSA at K-State
- Be able to navigate time and leave procedures for nonexempt staff
- Understand how to apply the travel and time policy for nonexempt staff