Managing Pay within the Range
Pay ranges are inclusive of both starting pay and potential progression over time. Progression is considered to be pay beyond the starting rate, up to the maximum of the assigned grade.
Guidelines for managing pay
Sample guidelines for managing pay within the range are provided. Hiring managers should use these guidelines for determining compensation based on differences in qualifications, performance, experience and budget availability. Additional factors to consider should include internal equity and salary compression.
Requesting a salary increase
Salary increases may be requested by completing an Unclassified Professional & University Support Staff Base Salary Increase Form PER-46S. Requests for salary increases must include objective criteria to support the salary increase request. Human Resources conducts an internal equity analysis with each request for salary increase.
To assist hiring managers, each of the pay grades has been divided into quartiles. Descriptions detailing expectations for paying within each quartile are provided below. These descriptions should be used to evaluate both internal (employee's knowledge, skills, abilities, certifications) and external factors (budget availability, salary compression) that affect the salary rate offered to the employee in the position.
Quartile 1: Entry level
- Meets minimum qualifications established for the position.
- Has little or no related experience to the field in which the position exists.
- Employee requires additional training to building necessary knowledge and skills to successfully perform the position.
Quartile 2: Experienced
- Possesses qualifications that are equal to or slightly better than minimum requirements.
- Demonstrated ability to perform the job duties expected to be performed in the position.
- Employee may require additional training to perform the job duties successfully and independently in the position.
Quartile 3: Seasoned professional/mid-career
- Meets minimum qualifications and meets all preferred qualifications established for the position.
- Demonstrated ability to perform the job duties successfully and independently in the position.
- Employee consistently exhibits core competencies required of the position.
Quartile 4: Senior-level job expertise
- Meets minimum qualifications and meets all preferred qualifications established for the position. Employee is considered a subject matter expert in their position. Typically considered a 'rockstar' in their field of study, discipline or line of work.
- Exhibits extensive breadth and depth of knowledge that brings significant value to the university.
- Employee serves as an expert resource, role model or mentor to others either at the department-, college- or university-level.
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More Information
- PPM Chapter 4210, Position Management, Funding, and other changes for University Staff