Understanding Your Paycheck

Top section

  • Pay Group
  • Pay Begin Date
  • Pay End Date
  • Business Unit (KSUNV for all K-State employees)
  • Advice #
  • Advice Date
  • Name
  • Address
  • Employee ID
  • Department (Department ID and Name)
  • Location
  • Job Title
  • Pay Rate
  • Tax Data (Federal/KS State from W-4 & K-4)
    • Marital Status
    • Allowances
    • Additional Pct
    • Additional Amt

tax data

Hours and Earnings

  • Description (Regular Earnings, Holiday Credit, Vacation Leave, Etc.)
  • Rate
  • Current Hours
  • Earnings
  • Hours
  • YTD Earnings


  • Fed Withholding (Federal Income Tax Withholding)
  • Fed MED/EE (Employees share of Medicare)
  • Fed OASDI/EE (Employees share of Social Security)
  • KS Withholding (Kansas Income Tax Withholding)

hours, earnings and taxes


  • Before Tax Deductions (Description, Current, YTD Year-to-Date)
  • After-Tax Deductions (Description, Current, YTD Year-to-Date)
  • Employer Paid Benefits (Description, Current, YTD Year-to-Date)

deductions and benefits

Current and YTD (Year-to-Date) for the most recent on-cycle check

and Taxes:

  • Total Gross
  • Federal Taxable Gross
  • Total Taxes
  • Total Deductions
  • Net Pay

The Total Taxes includes Social Security, Medicare, Federal and State Withholdings.

The Total Deductions includes all before and after tax deductions.

totals and net

Net Pay Distribution

  • Payment Type (Advice, Direct Deposit or Check)
  • Account Type (Checking or Savings)
  • Account Number(s)
  • Deposit Amount(s)
  • Total

leave balances and net pay

If you have questions regarding your pay information, please contact your department personnel specialist.