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Integrative Biosensing and Tissue Engineering Laboratory

Dr. Eric Ninghao Zhu leads the Integrative Biosensing and Tissue Engineering Laboratory (IBTEL) at K-State. IBTEL aims to decode human diseases by advancing biosensing and tissue engineering technologies. Novel biosensors with high spatiotemporal resolution reveals the RNA dynamics in live cells (PNAS, 2023). Tissue-engineered models recapitulate human physiologically relevant systems in health and diseases, providing an accurate and high-throughput platform for investigating disease mechanisms and drug discovery. By integrating the cutting-edge technologies in biosensing and tissue-engineered human disease models, IBTEL provides crucial insights into the processes of cancer metastasis, Alzheimer's disease and aging. Our work empowers the early disease diagnosis and the development of new therapeutic treatments.




08/18/2024 New openings are available to motivated students.

08/18/2024 Haosong Chen joined IBTEL in the Mike Wiegers Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Kansas State University.

08/18/2024 Dr. Eric Ninghao Zhu started his lab in the Mike Wiegers Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Kansas State University.


Featured Publications

Zhu, N.; Ahmed, M.; Li, Y.; Liao, J. C.; Wong, P. K. Long noncoding RNA MALAT1 is dynamically regulated in leader cells during collective cancer invasion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2023, 120 (27), e2305410120.

Zhao, N.; Pessell, A.; Zhu, N.; Searson, P., Tissue-engineered microvessels: a review of current engineering strategies and applications. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2024, 2303419.

Song, Y.; Soto, J.; Chen, B.; Hoffman, T.; Zhao, W.; Zhu, N.; Peng, Q.; Liu, L.; Ly, C.; Wong, P. K.; Wang, Y.; Rowat, A. C.; Kurdistani, S. K.; Li, S., Transient Nuclear Deformation Primes Epigenetic State and Promotes Cell Reprogramming. Nature Materials 2022.