Genomic Technologies Workshop

June 3rd - 6th, 2024; 8:30am to 5:20pm, TH 1506

This four-day lecture / laboratory / computer laboratory course on the modern techniques to study genes and genomes with a major focus in gene expression analysis using next-generation (NG) sequencing approach is held yearly in the Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center. Students will prepare the RNA-seq libraries and analyze NG sequence data.


  • Alina Akhunova, Research Professor, Dept. of Plant Pathology
  • Sanzhen Liu, Professor, Dept. of Plant Pathology
  • Eduard Akhunov, University Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Plant Pathology
  • David Cook, Associate Professor, Dept. of Plant Pathology


  • RNA-seq 101.
  • DNA Sequencing Technologies and Their Applications. Next Generation Sequencing.
  • Long Read DNA Sequencing Technologies.
  • RNA-seq Data Analysis.
  • RNA-seq Data Network Analysis.
  • Design of RNA-seq Experiments and Differential Gene Expression Analysis.
  • Multi-Omics Approach to Study Genome Biology.
  • Single Cell RNA-seq and Spatial Transcriptomics.
  • Using NGS in Metagenomic and eDNA studies.
  • CRISPR Genome Editing and Appplications.
  • Overview of Real Time PCR Technology. Quantitative Real Time PCR: from RNA to Data Analysis.


  • The students will prepare the RNA-seq libraries using Illumina Stranded mRNA reagents.

Computer Laboratory

  • Does my sequencing run look good? Illumina Base Space Cloud Computing.
  • RNA-Seq Data analysis using GALAXY.
  • RNA-Seq Data analysis using Beocat super computer.

Course Credit Option (Tuition Fee)

PLPTH 885 (Course number 12156) Genomic Technologies Workshop

  • A 2-credit course with credit/no-credit grading.
  • Recommended prerequisites
    • One of the following courses: PLPTH610, AGRON610, BIOCH521, BIOCH522, BIOL580, BIOL676.
  • Enrollment limit: 20

Instructor permission is not required. No textbooks. All materials will be provided.