Before Leaving K-State Employee Checklist

This does not apply to retirees, emeritus or employees who have taken a K-State course.

Before leaving K-State, keep in mind that faculty and staff will lose access to their K-State email accounts. Below are the timelines for when you will lose access.

  • Accounts belonging to former faculty members who have not been employed by K-State for more than 240 days will be removed. Accounts of those who have been away for less than 240 days will remain active.
  • Accounts belonging to former staff members who separated from K-State more than 30 days ago will also be removed. However, accounts of those who separated less than 30 days ago will remain active.
  • Emeritus faculty and staff who are in good standing will not have their accounts removed. To maintain good standing, emeritus faculty and staff must use Duo two-factor authentication and complete the annual cybersecurity training. Accounts that do not remain in good standing will be locked after 60 days of non-compliance and will remain in a locked status. To unlock a locked account, emeritus faculty and staff must reactivate Duo and retake the cybersecurity training.

Do these tasks before you leave K-State, or as soon as you receive an email notification that access to your data will be removed soon.

  • Copy all email messages and folders you want to keep.
    Storage options include:
    • Your personal computer
    • An external storage device
    • Internet storage services
  • Forward business-related e-mail.
    Forward business-related email to the department head or department designee.
  • Migrate to a new email service.
    Options include, but are not limited to, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, etc.
  • Consider creating an email away message. For example, "I have retired from K-State. For assistance please contact ...". "I am no longer employed at K-State. For assistance, please contact ....".
  • Review mailing lists.
    Subscribe from your new email address for lists you want to keep. Then unsubscribe your K-State address from all lists. Current employment is a requirement for some list subscriptions, so not all lists may be available post-employment. If you have questions, check with the mailing-list owner to verify if you can continue to receive an email.
  • Copy any files you are entitled to keep, including:
    • Files on your office computer
    • Files on the central Unix system
    • Files on your departmental or central file server
    • Your personal webpages
  • Transfer ownership of shared Qualtrics surveys
    If you have Qualtrics surveys that are shared, request that the IT Service Desk transfer ownership of the survey(s) to the appropriate individual.
  • Transfer ownership of shared group accounts
    If you have shared group accounts, transfer ownership of the group account to another individual in the group.
  • Remove applications that belongs to K-State.
    Remove applications on your personal computer that was received under a Kansas State University site license or volume-purchase agreement, including but not limited to the following list:
    • Remove applications obtained through K-State Application Licenses.
    • Remove course-related applications received through your department.
    • Remove applications received through the Microsoft Office and/or Microsoft Windows Work at Home program.
  • Have you been a staff person living in a residence hall?
    Point your computer back to the Microsoft Windows Update Service. If you don't, your computer will stop getting Microsoft updates, including security updates, and it will be more vulnerable to malware and hackers.
    1. Download K-State's SUS Removal file and save it to your computer's desktop.
    2. Double-click the "SUSRemoval.exe" file on your desktop. This will reset your computer to point to the Microsoft Windows Update Service.