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Planning for Farm and Ranch Succession

Planning for Farm & Ranch Succession

Events 2017

Planning for the Future: Transferring Management and Assets In Challenging Times

This workshop series is designed to empower families with the knowledge, skills and resources they need to develop and navigate a succession plan. Each location will feature an introduction to the basics of succession planning followed by more in-depth workshops. The in-depth workshops will provide resource persons and interactive opportunities for a limited number of family teams to explore their succession options and develop a plan.

Dodge City
Monday evenings - Jan. 23, Feb. 13, 20, 27 and Mar. 6
Brochure and registration form
Register by contacting Ford County Extension or 620-227-4542.
Thursday evenings - Jan. 26, Feb. 16, 24 and Mar. 2, 9
Brochure and registration form
Register by contacting Douglas County Extension or 785-843-7058.

For more information or to register for the Dodge City Succession Workshops call 620-227-4542.
For more information or to register for the Lawrence Succession Workshops call 785-843-7058.

Information is also available by calling Kansas Agricultural Mediation Services at 800-321-3276.