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Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

Robert Harris III (2015)- Carleton College - The Effect of Management Regime on Sex Ratios among Regal Fritillary (Speyeria idalia) Populations in the Central Great Plains (Mentors: Gene Albanese, David Haukos)

Lindsay Arick (2015)- University of Central Florida - Do confluences affect predator distribution in an temperate estuary? (Mentor: Martha Mather)

Casie Lee (2013) - University of California, Berkeley - The Thrill of Victory, the Agony of Defeat: Developing and Testing a Standard Protocol for Field Estimates of Short Term Growth in Fish Predators. (Mentor: Martha Mather)

Nervalis Medina-Echevarria (2012) - University of Puerto Rico in Humacao - Adult Regal Fritillary (Speyeria idalia) density among fire and grazing regimes at Konza Prairie with notes on the occurrence patterns of its host plant, Prairie Violet (Viola pedatifida). (Mentors: Gene Albanese, and David Haukos).

Judith Patterson (2011) - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Can crayfish influence ecosystem function?: exploring crayfish movement using PIT tags and mobile and stationary antennas (Mentor: Martha Mather)

Katherine White (2008) - Cornell University, NY - Evaluating fish habitat usage in the Kansas River at species and community levels (Mentors: Craig Paukert and Joe Gerken)

Auctavia Grant (2007) - Grambling State University, LA - The effects of grazing on Konza Prairie butterflies (Mentor: Jodi Whittier)

Andrea Marie Severson (2007) - Utah State University, UT - High water habitat: Fish populations in two Kansas River backwater areas (Mentor: Craig Paukert)

Jeffrey Eitzmann (2005) - Kansas State University, KS - Spatial and temporal patterns of blue suckers (Cycleptus elongatus) in the Kansas River, Kansas (Mentor: Craig Paukert)

Kristen Pitts (2004) - University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, WI - Effects of flooding on the fish distribution on Kings Creek, Kansas (Mentor: Craig Paukert)

Renae Schmitt (2000) - Creighton University, NE - The association between Brown-Headed Cowbird foraging and ungulate grazing on native tallgrass prairie (Mentor: Jack Cully)

Alexandra Latham (1999) - Illinois Wesleyan University, IL - Brown-headed Cowbird parasitism rates on ground nesting birds of the tallgrass prairie in bison-grazed and ungrazed habitats (Mentor: Jack Cully)

Hope Phillips (1999) - College of Saint Benedict, MN - Evaluation of population estimation by removal sampling in King's Creek (Mentor: Christopher Guy)

Sophie Parker (1998) - Wellesley College, MA - Dogs as models in the study of predator olfaction (Mentor: Phil Gipson)

Jamie S. Johnson (1997) - Michigan Technical University, MI - Habitat preferences of mammalian predators in the Flint Hills of Kansas (Mentor: Phil Gipson)

Aaron Pearse (1997) - Kansas State University, KS - Effects of food supplementation on incubation behavior of Bewick's Wrens (Thryomanes bewickii) and House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon) (Mentor: John Cavitt and Jack Cully)