FAQs - KSU Advisor Center


  1. What are the advantages of using the new KSU Advisor Center?

    The new KSU Advisor Center is a tool set made specifically for academic advising at K-State. The KSU Advisor Center provides advisee summary information at a glance, enables advisors to run bulk operations on their advisees including Academic History and DARS reports, emailing advisees and more. Advisors can create Groups (static lists of advisees) Filters (dynamic lists of advisees) to manage their advisees. Advisors can click into an advisee's Student Center.

    View the Advisor Center Feature Comparison for visual comparison of functionality of the original Advisor Center and the new KSU Advisor Center.

  2. What will happen to the original Advisor Center?

    The original Advisor Center will be available for use for the foreseeable future. We expect over time that more advisors will use the new KSU Advisor Center because of the enhanced functionality.
  3. Why do some secondary screens and reports fail to appear?

    Most web browsers block pop-ups. In KSIS and the KSU Advisor Center, many features display information in a new tab or window. For features of the KSU Advisor Center to function properly, disable the pop-up blockers in your browser.

    View Disabling Web Browser Pop-up Blockers for how to adjust these settings in your browser.

Advisee List

  1. What is the difference between a Filter and a Group?

    A Filter is a dynamic list of advisees. If your advisee attributes change they may not appear the next time your run a Filter.

    A Group is a static list of advisees. When you run a Group you always get the same list of advisees until you manually change the group membership by adding or removing advisees.

  2. What is the difference between the terms Warning and Probation in the Academic Status column of the advisee list?

    Warning is the term used for Undergraduate students. Probation is the term used for Graduate Students. A long time ago Probation was used for Undergraduate students, so you may see that on occasion.

  3. Why do some advisees no longer appear when I run a Filter?

    A Filter is a dynamic list of advisees. Each time a Filter is run it displays advisees from the My Advisee list matching the filter criteria. Advisees may drop out of the list if:

    - their criteria change
    - they are no longer assigned to you
    - you added them to your advisee list and subsequently removed them at a later date.

  4. Why do some advisees no longer appear when I run a Group?

    A group is a static list of advisees. Each time a group is run it displays the same list of advisees until:

    - they are no longer assigned to you
    - you remove them from the group
    - you added them to your advisee list and subsequently removed them at a later date.