All grades are to be submitted online, using KSIS or KSIS in conjunction with K-State Online.
For faculty using K-State Online, final grades for a class may be entered into K-State Online and then submitted to KSIS via an electronic interface. For detailed information on submitting final grades through K-State Online, select the desired link below:
For faculty not using grading in K-State Online, final grades must be manually entered into KSIS by the faculty member or authorized designee. For detailed information on submitting final grades through KSIS, see Enter and Approve Final Grades in KSIS.
How do I change grades in KSIS before they are posted?
Once a final grade is submitted to KSIS, whether through K-State Online or manually, the faculty member must verify and approve the final grade in KSIS. Until grades are posted on the designated day, instructors can return to the Grade Roster area and manually update the grade. On the designated date and time, KSIS posts the approved grades to the student's academic history.
Starting Spring 2012 faculty and instructors can submit grade changes in KSIS. This enhancement replaced the manual grade change forms, saving faculty and instructors valuable time. Some restrictions apply. Details are found on the Request Grade Change page.
What is the difference between the roster grades and official grades? The roster grade is the grade that was originally submitted as a final grade by the instructor via the online grade roster. The official grade is the current grade in KSIS and is included on the transcript. In most cases, these will be the same, except for a grade change processed after the final online approval of the instructor.