FAQs - Setting User Defaults

User Defaults allow each KSIS user to set pre-determined values for certain fields in KSIS. For example, if you work for the College of Arts and Sciences, then you would set your preferred Academic Group to be that college. To set up your user defaults, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into KSIS with your personal eID and password.
  2. In the left Menu area, select Set Up SACR.

    Set Up SACR menu option

  3. Click on User Defaults.

    User Defaults option

  4. On the User Defaults 1 tab, enter the desired default settings (see table below).

    User Defaults 1 tab

  5. Click Save when finished.

Common User Default Settings

Below are some User Default settings that could substantially save time for many users of KSIS:

User Defaults 1 Tab

Field Suggested Value
Academic Institution KSUNV
Career Group SetID KSUNV
Facility Group SetID KSUNV
Academic Career Most common student with which you work
(Undergraduate, Graduate, or Veterinary Medicine)
Academic Group College with which you are associated, if any
Subject Area Academic department with which you are associated, if any
Term Current term (this value could change two or three times per year.

User Defaults 2 Tab

Field Suggested Value
Business Unit KSUNV
Campus KSU
Institution Set KSU