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  5. »View an Advisee's Transfer Credit Report


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1117 Mid Campus Dr. N
Manhattan, KS 66506-0121


View an Advisee's Transfer Credit Report

  1. From the KSIS Home Page, in KSIS Links box, click Advisor Center.

    Click the Advisor Center link from the KSIS Links area

  2. In the list of advisees, click the View Student Details link.

    Advisee list, with the View Student Details link highlighted

  3. On the left, open the Other Academic... list box and click Transfer Credit Report

    Picture of the Other Academic... drop list, with the Transfer Credit Report ooption highlighted

  4. Click the Go button. Picture of the Go button in the Student Center

  5. The Transfer Credit Report shows how many transfer credits taken at other universities articulated into K-State credit.

    Picture of the Tranfer Credit Report