Access the KSU Advisor Center

The KSU Advisor Center is accessible to advisors and others who have been granted the advising role in KSIS. See Getting Started - How To Get Access for more info.

To access the KSU Advisor Center:

  1. Login to KSIS with your K-State eID and password at

  2. Access the KSU Advisor Center via:
    • The KSU Advisor Center link under KSIS Links on the right side of the KSIS home page.

      Click the Advisor Center Link


    • The Navigation Menu on the left side of the screen.
      1. Select Self-Service
      2. Select KSU Advisor Center
      3. Select Advisee List

        Access KSU Advisor Center on the left menu

  3. The KSU Advisor Center opens. Tabs to other KSIS locations are also available.

    Advisor Center Tabs with KSU Advisor Center Selected

  4. The KSU Advisor Center functions include:
    1. Bulk operations
    2. Manage Advisee Groups & Filters
    3. All Advisees (information and links)

      Quick Look at KSU Advisor Center areas