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  5. »Add a Hold (Service Indicator)


IT Service Desk
2nd floor, Hale Library
1117 Mid Campus Dr. N
Manhattan, KS 66506-0121


Add a Hold (Service Indicator)

  1. Log into KSIS.

  2. Navigate to Campus Community > Service Indicators (Student) > Manage Service Indicators.

    Navigate to Manage Service Indicators

  3. Enter search criteria for the desired student and click Search.

    Enter Student Criteria

  4. Click Add Service Indicator above or below the Service Indicator Summary.

    Click the Add Service Indicator Link

  5. Fill out the criteria for the Service Indicator.  Include the following items:

    • Service Indicator Code - which service indicator you are applying
    • Service Ind Reason Code - the reason the service indicator is being added
    • Start Term - the term for which the service indicator should be active
    • Start Date - the date at which the service indicator starts
    • Department - which department is placing the service indicator

      Note:  If desired fill out the Description and Comments.

      Add Service Indicator Criteria

  6. Click OK to add the service indicator to the student account.

  7. Repeat the process as needed.
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  • Updated: 9/19/23