KSU Amateur Radio Club Minutes

Minutes - October 1, 1996

The regular meeting of the KSUARC was called to order by president Robert Cox, KBØMVZ at 7:24 P.M.

There was discussion on changing the link on the College of Engineering www page from the older to the more recent KSUARC page.

Norm Dillman, NØJCC reported on amateur radio involvement in the worldwide horse race headquartered at Rock Springs Ranch on Sept. 21. He was told that amateurs' assistance was a major reason it was the best race ever.

The proposed packet radio / internet interface was discussed. This would allow packet messages to go by email to a remote destination and even be picked up by packet radio again at some point. Software is available, but better versions are sought. The frequency being considered is 145.07 MHz. There was some discussion on what radio to use, as the only available 2m radio in 401 at this time is the ICOM IC-251A, which is usable for other purposes.

Norm Dillman proposed that we get a new rotor, and that we consider moving the TH6DXX HF beam to the "Dr. Johnson" tower that is presently unused. 2m and 6m would then be put on the fold-over tower next to 401. No formal action was taken.

The auction to be held on Oct. 5 at Norm's place was discussed at length. Numerous items have been donated for KSUARC to sell.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 P.M.

David Yoder, KAØJPM


e-mail to: ksuarc@ksu.edu