Minutes - October 17, 2014

The club has been meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Fridays for antenna work. The Hygain TH6DXX Super Thunderbird beam is working well on all three bands, thanks to the initial work by Chris Casey, NØVRP and this year by station manager Vern Wirka, WØVMP. Once we determine that it is completely ready, we'll place it back onto the tower.

A brief meeting was called to order by David Yoder, secretary-treasurer, to elect a new president, who will serve until the annual election in January 2015. James Copeland, KDØICP, was nominated and elected as president.

There was discussion on renewing KSUARC's registration as a K-State organization. We are looking into the process, which now is apparently involved with orgsync.

David Yoder, KAØJPM

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