The meeting was called to order at 7:07 P.M. by President John Blessing, NØYRL.
The minutes of the March 3 meeting were read.
Open House 1998 was first on the agenda.
The 440 MHz antenna was sold at the Midwest Shrine hamfest for $25.
It was agreed that we would get an ARRL great circle map, at a cost of around $15, for our new bulletin board.
Several changes to the constitution and by-laws were proposed:
1. An alumni membership would be created. This type of membership would be available to KSU graduates. Voting privileges would not be available. This amendment would change Article III of the constitution. The required petition was circulated, and the amendment passed, therefore being referred for final vote to the next meeting.
The text of Article III of the constitution would be amended to:
"Membership will be available to:
A) members of the University family: students and faculty/staff members (current and retired) and their immediate families who have an interest in Amateur Radio or related areas, who pay the required fees, and who promise to abide by the constitution, bylaws and all other rules which may be agreed upon by the organization, and by all rules and regulations from other sources which pertain to the organization, or
B) graduates of Kansas State University, as alumni members, who pay the required fees, and who promise to abide by the constitution, bylaws and all other rules which may be agreed upon by the organization, and by all rules and regulations from other sources which pertain to the organization. Alumni members will not be eligible to vote."
The current paragraph on termination of membership would not be amended.
2. Creation of a fee of $2 per year (minimum 5 years) for alumni membership was proposed for addition to Article II of the bylaws. PASSED
The text of this amendment would be a new paragraph in Article II, as paragraph #4:
"Graduates of Kansas State University wishing to become alumni members shall pay an annual fee of two dollars, with a minimum of five years."
3. Related to the above, an annual fee of $25 for station access for alumni members was proposed for addition to Article II of the bylaws. Key issue for alumni members would be subject to approval by majority vote. PASSED
This amendment changes the current paragraph #4 of Article II to:
"Members who desire access to the club station must hold a valid FCC amateur radio license, and shall pay an additional annual fee of $18, or $25 for alumni members."
4. An addition to the bylaws related to temporary station access was proposed:
"A club member may, at no cost, check out a key to the KSUARC station from the Electrical Engineering office. The key would be loaned for a maximum of 24 hours each time, with a limit of 5 checkouts per semester. The key could also be borrowed on a Friday, if returned on Monday."
This would be an addition to Article II of the bylaws. PASSED
5. An amendment to the bylaws eliminates the fee for station access for the license trustee, adviser, and club officers. This would add a sentence to the newly-amended paragraph #4 of Article II:
"The annual fee of $18 for station access will be waived for the license trustee, club adviser, and officers."
Viewing of the CQ magazine video, Getting Started on Satellites, was postponed as a result of the lengthy business meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:15 P.M.
David Yoder, KAØJPM
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