KSU Amateur Radio Club Minutes

Minutes - September 3, 1996

The regular meeting of the KSUARC was called to order by president Robert Cox, KBØMVZ at 7:02 P.M.

The minutes of the April 30 meeting were read.

Norm Dillman, NØJCC gave an update on the proposed high-speed packet radio link to be located at the Jeffrey Energy Center. He reported support from the Kansas Adjutant General as well as Western Resources. The company suggested that voice be included as well as packet radio. Myron Calhoun, WØPBV attended a meeting in Salina and also reported that Western Resources and the State seemed willing to finance the project.

Norm Dillman stated a need for an antenna to assist in horse race communications and found one at Dayton for about $100, but has not at this time received assistance with the cost.

Jon Held, NØRYQ stated that he is missing two ropes used during our Open House display, and wonders if any member knows of their whereabouts.

Norm Dillman announced the upcoming MAARS/KSUARC annual auction. This extravaganza will occur on Saturday, Oct. 5, from 10 A.M. to dark! The location will be the QTH of Norm and Phyllis Dillman, 210 Gehrt Road. There are already "several pick-ups" full of "stuff" to be auctioned.

The club's venerable Kenwood TS-430S is still up for sale. A motion was made that the current asking price of $550 be lowered to $500 if necessary to transact business. This motion passed.

Volunteers are still needed for the international horse race on September 21. Those willing to help should contact Norm Dillman. Commemorative hats may be issued to volunteers.

Norm said that a digipeater for the KSU BBS will be relocated to his home QTH, and this should provide for easier access.

The club welcomed first-time members Tony Sharp, NØJWP and Kurt Zoglmann, KBØTMQ.

The meeting was adjourned at about 7:30 P.M.

David Yoder, KAØJPM


e-mail to: ksuarc@ksu.edu