Minutes - September 5, 2000

The meeting was called to order in Rathbone Hall 274, at 7:09 P.M. by President John Blessing, NØYRL.

The minutes from the previous meeting were not read.


There was no unfinished business.


KSUARC members JCC, JPM and YRL will offer a W5YI test session in Rathbone Hall 274 at 7:30 P.M. on October 3, 2000, after the regular meeting. All test elements will be available for the enjoyment of our participants. Pre-registration is required, and involves a call to David Yoder at 395-3936.

Norm Dillman, NØJCC has donated "several bushels" of vacuum tubes to the club. The club thanks him for this generous donation. The members discussed the optimum method of reselling the tubes. At present, it seems that the best plan is to sort them into batches and list them on e-bay.

Norm Dillman stated that there would be a small-scale auction in conjunction with the MAARS picnic in Keats on September 10.

A motion was made to sell the external VFO for a Kenwood TS-820. Motion passed.

Norm has a Mosley Pro 67B HF beam for sale. It operates on all bands from 10m to 40m. It's a big beam, with a 24-foot boom.

It was announced that at the next meeting on Sept. 19, Eric Buehler, who has been working with Rockwell-Collins, will present a program. He has been developing software for HF propagation prediction, and will have a computer to demonstrate the software in action. The program will be in Rathbone 274.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 P.M., at which point the members transported a few bushels of vacuum tubes to the Weapons Room.

David Yoder, KAØJPM

