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K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

April 2, 2018

Kansas State Polytechnic to explore rise of cryptocurrencies in Civic Luncheon Lecture Series April 5

Submitted by Julee Cobb

With more than 1,500 cryptocurrencies available today, fascination with the concept of digital money doesn't seem to be fading. Just how far its popularity will rise and when to exercise caution with investing are two of the topics that will headline the next Civic Luncheon Lecture at the Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus.

"How Bitcoin, Blockchain Technologies and Other Cryptocurrencies Are Changing the World" will be presented at noon Thursday, April 5, in the conference room at Kansas State Polytechnic's College Center. Randall K. Nichols, an associate professor of practice at Kansas State Polytechnic with more than 50 years of leadership experience in counterintelligence, sensitive computer applications and cybersecurity, will lead the conversation. Nichols will use his background to explain the Internet of Things, discuss correlations between communication with the internet and transparency with Blockchain, and when to use discretion with cryptocurrency investment.

The Civic Luncheon Lecture Series is free and the public is invited. Attendees are welcome to eat during the discussion and can bring their own lunch or purchase a lunch at the K-State Café. Greg Stephens, an associate professor of business management at Kansas State Polytechnic who created the current events discussion series, will act as moderator.

For more information on the Kansas State Polytechnic Civic Luncheon Lecture Series, contact Stephens at 785-819-6887 or gregs@k-state.edu.

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