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  4. »Health care providers needed for research study

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

April 23, 2018

Health care providers needed for research study

Submitted by Emi Hayashi

An undergraduate student in the Physical Activity Research in Community Settings lab led by Gina Besenyi needs health care providers to complete a short survey about physical activity counseling practices and physical activity prescriptions.

The survey is open to anyone who sees patients and provides health care. Participation in the survey is incentivized by the chance to win one of several $100 Amazon gift cards.

For more information, contact Gine Besenyi at gbesenyi@k-state.edu or Emi Hayashi at emih@k-state.edu. This study has been reviewed by the Institutional Review Board and received approval No. 9237.

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