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  4. »Human Capital Services reorganization

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

April 24, 2018

Human Capital Services reorganization

Submitted by Diana McElwain

Human Capital Services is combining two functional units into one team to provide more effective and efficient services. Effective May 6, talent acquisition will merge with compensation and organizational effectiveness to become talent solutions.

The combined team will provide collaborative and customer-focused solutions and help the university achieve its strategic objectives to attract, recruit, engage and retain a highly-talented, diverse workforce. Areas of focus for the talent solutions team include:

• Deploying a competency framework to identify and develop talent.
• Developing search strategies to broaden and diversify applicant pools.
• Designing and implementing an inclusive Total Rewards plan.
• Providing comprehensive executive search services.
• Proposing career paths to support vertical and horizontal career movement.
• Offering dual career job search consultation.
• Conducting compensation and organizational analysis.
• Determining salary administration and classification.

This reorganization will be accomplished without increasing division spending. The talent solutions team will be led by Roberta Maldonado Franzen, PHR, SHRM-CP. Existing vacancies will be used to hire a compensation and organizational effectiveness manager and a talent acquisition manager. The combined talent solutions team will be in Edwards Hall.

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