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  4. »Annual security report: More than federal compliance

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

September 7, 2018

Annual security report: More than federal compliance

Submitted by K-State Clery Compliance

Developing and maintaining a safe and secure campus environment is the priority of the Clery Act federal compliance program every day of the year, but especially during the month of September. September has been known National Campus Safety Awareness Month since its designation by Congress in 2008. In recognition of this important campaign, a unique section of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, or Clery Report, will be highlighted each Friday during the month of September ― culminating with the publication of the Annual Security Report on Oct. 1, 2018.

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, or Clery Report, is published each year to inform the public of information about crime on and around campus, efforts to improve campus safety, and university policies. Its purpose is to provide individuals with relevant information that will help them make informed decisions relating to their own safety and the safety of others.

This Friday, Sept. 7, we are looking at crime prevention, safety and security.

Keeping K-State safe depends on the cooperation, involvement and support of all university community members. We cannot list specific measures that will protect individuals from every threatening situation that may arise. Instead, we hope community members will "think crime prevention" in day-to-day living. Careful assessment and modification of behaviors and habits, along with the following safety and security tips may lessen vulnerability to unsafe conditions:

  • Report crimes immediately. Do not assume that someone else has reported harmful, suspicious or criminal activity. If you suspect a crime has been or is being committed, call the Kansas State University Police Department or local police immediately.
    *Clery Act crimes; academic violations; code of conduct violations; students of concern; discrimination; harassment, including sexual harassment; domestic violence; dating violence; retaliation; and stalking may be submitted at the K-State Report It webpage at k-state.edu/report.
  • Use campus safety resources such as LiveSafe, K-State Alerts, and Wildcat Walk.
  • Build skills by participating in programs such as ALICE — Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate — training, and community programs such as Community Safety Talks.

Furthermore, risk reduction is intended to decrease perpetration and increase bystander inaction by addressing conditions that cultivate violence or crime. At the same time, it's intended to promote empowerment and action that promotes individual and community safety. The following are tips and strategies for risk reduction:

  • Surround yourself with people who respect each other and you. Don't tolerate disrespect or pressure in your community.
  • Look out for people around you. Bystander intervention is crucial when you see a troubling situation or concern for others.
  • Be alert to patterns, not just isolated actions. Sometimes sexual misconduct can take the form of patterns of behavior, such as isolation, intimidation, and threats. Trust your intuition if something feels strange.
  • Take repeated, unwanted attention seriously. Stalking can sometimes seem merely annoying or even flattering, but the intrusive nature of stalking can escalate very quickly and must be taken seriously.

Additional tips on ways to protect yourself, safety resources such as LiveSafe and K-State Alerts, and information on previous Crime Prevention and Safety Awareness Programs may be found in for each campus in their respective report.

Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports (Clery Reports)

Any questions regarding the Report It webpage or Clery Act compliance in general may be directed to Sarah F. Barrett, coordinator of Clery Act federal compliance, at ksuclery@k-state.edu.