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K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

October 4, 2018

Recognizing Discrimination and Sexual Harassment session for supervisors offered Oct. 18

Submitted by Human Capital Services-Learning and Development

Recognizing Discrimination and Sexual Harassment, WTD146, will be offered from 8:30 a.m. to noon Thursday, Oct. 18, in Edwards Hall commons area. 

Incorporated in this session will be case vignettes/studies and exercises designed to enhance supervisors/managers' skills in four areas:

  1. Identifying threshold behaviors and reporting unwelcome, inappropriate behaviors.
  2. Communicating behavioral expectations to employees.
  3. Understanding their possible roles in administrative reviews.
  4. Modeling appropriate behaviors.

Participants will gain the following as a result of the session:

  • Have increased awareness of issues related to sexual harassment.
  • Be informed of university policy regarding sexual harassment.

This course is offered in conjunction with the Introduction to Supervision, WTD077, series. Seating is limited.

This course is intended for employees with supervisory responsibilities.

To register for this session, you can either sign up through HRIS self-service or send an email to Megan Hoelting at learning-develop-hr@k-state.edu. When sending an email, please include your name, employee ID and the course title.