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  4. »Movement Challenge week five results

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

October 1, 2018

Movement Challenge week five results

Submitted by Human Capital Services

Week five leaders are shared below. The 2018 Movement Challenge Department Champion in both activity and participation will be announced Thursday, Oct 4. Watch K-State Today for the announcement.

The week five leaders are:

Department activity:

  1. Dean of Veterinary Medicine
  2. Recreational Services
  3. Anatomy & Physiology

Department participation:

  1. K-State Olathe
  2. Lafene Health Center
  3. Recreational Services

Individual activity:

  1. Tammy Racey
  2. Cassie Hall
  3. Beverly Price

Each week includes an additional challenge for participants. Week five was to participate in an organized wellness activity. Many K-Stater’s participated in the Wellness Coalition 5K on Saturday, September 22. These individuals were able to join in a fun, healthy activity and support student wellness programming at K-State.  

Two winners were selected at random for a wellness prize.  Julia Petersen won a Fitbit for participating in the challenge and Bryan Severns won a wellness prize for his participation on social media. 

Congratulations to the week five leaders! See more information about the Movement Challenge on the Live Your Best website

Participants who participate all five weeks are awarded four HealthQuest credits and corresponding HSA/HRA contributions at the end of the challenge. These credits should be seen in HealthQuest accounts by October 20.  

Questions? Contact your benefits team at benefits@kstate.edu.