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  4. »Ebony Theatre students honoring American ethnic studies department

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

October 5, 2018

Ebony Theatre students honoring American ethnic studies department

Submitted by Yolanda Broyles-Gonzalez

K-State's Ebony Theatre will honor the College of Arts and Sciences' American ethnic studies department at its First Friday event at 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 5, in the West Stadium Purple Masque Theater lobby. This event will feature food, music and an open mic for artists of color. All students are welcome to perform.

"The American ethnic studies department helps us create bridges of understanding, patience, and love during a time where these things are greatly needed," said Chelsea Turner and Kenedi Kelley, president and vice-president of Ebony Theatre. "Love is achieved through coalition, and American ethnic studies is an incredible teacher and coalitional partner. The Ebony Theatre collective honors the department of American ethnic studies because we know that our curriculum and discussion is geared toward making us put our pointing fingers down and open our hearts and our minds.

"We live in a world full of questions that have become incredibly difficult to answer and social problems that are seemingly too complex to solve. This frustrates us, makes us bitter and hateful, and often makes us blame those different from us, we don't understand. Ebony Theatre works in coalition with American ethnic studies to widen our understandings through art and influence from artists of color. The American ethnic studies department leads K-State in the creation of an equitable, diverse, and inclusive curriculum," Turner and Kelley said.

The following is Ebony Theatre's mission statement on its First Friday events:

As an extension of Ebony Theatre, First Friday exists as a platform for Black artists to share their work and collaborate with one another, while simultaneously serving as a safe space for dialogue and open discussion between members of the K-State and Manhattan communities. First Friday will recognize diverse multicultural organizations on campus as a way to build ongoing coalition between these organizations, as well as promote the underlying talent among marginalized communities that are often overlooked.

This event is free and open to any and all K-State students and staff.

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