October 22, 2018
Paraguayan Student Association to host Oct. 24 social
Join the Paraguayan Student Association for a Paraguayan Social from 5-7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24, in the Bluemont Room on the second floor of the K-State Student Union.
Don't miss this opportunity to make new friends, practice Spanish in a casual setting and learn about Paraguayan culture. The theme for the social will be "Un Americano en Paraguay," translated as "An American in Paraguay" so come ready to learn about tourism. Free food and drinks will be provided.
You do not need to be proficient in Spanish; the point is for all to meet and chat, away from the pressure of a classroom, just like you would with friends.
The social is hosted by the K-State Paraguayan Student Association, a registered student organization, to promote cultural exchange within K-State's campus and the Manhattan community.