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  4. »Nominate an outstanding K-State Libraries employee for one of three awards

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

December 3, 2018

Nominate an outstanding K-State Libraries employee for one of three awards

Submitted by Sarah McGreer Hoyt

Do you know a K-State library employee who goes the extra mile for you, your colleagues, your students or your classmates? Three K-State Libraries awards honor these individuals: The Brice G. Hobrock Distinguished Faculty Award, the Dean's Award and the University Support Staff of the Year Award.

All honorees receive a monetary award. Show your appreciation by submitting a nomination in one or several categories.

• Brice G. Hobrock Distinguished Faculty Award, which is sponsored by the Friends of the K-State Libraries, recognizes outstanding librarianship and accomplishments among the Libraries' faculty. Past winners have been selected for their superior scholarship, service to Kansas State University or involvement in the library profession.

Nominations are due Friday, Feb. 13. Eligible nominees will be evaluated based on their professional activities during the last two academic years. Check to see if your librarian is eligible, and submit your nomination via a brief form. 

If you have questions about the Hobrock Award, contact Cliff Hight, chair of the selection committee, at chight@k-state.edu or 785-532-7456.

• The Dean's Award recognizes a professional staff member who has made exceptional contributions to K-State Libraries in the past two academic years.

Visit the Dean's Award webpage for a list of eligible staff. Evaluation criteria include teamwork, creativity, distinguished accomplishment, leadership, service and productivity. Commenting on these areas is helpful but not required. Make your nomination online by Friday, Feb. 13. 

If you have questions about the Dean’s Award, contact Mary Bailey, chair of the selection committee, at redhead@k-state.edu or 785-532-3517.

• University Support Staff of the Year Award, which is sponsored by the Friends of the K-State Libraries, recognizes the outstanding contributions of a support staff member.

The winner is selected based on special contributions, dedication to daily tasks, and ability to work successfully across the organization. Check the list of eligible employees and make your nomination online by Friday, Dec. 28.

If you have questions about the University Support Staff of the Year Award, contact Jesica Sellers, chair of the selection committee, at jesicats@k-state.edu or 785-532-6077. 

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