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  4. »Student organizations' summer checklist now available

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

April 11, 2019

Student organizations' summer checklist now available

Submitted by Center for Student Involvement

As we prepare for the end of the spring semester and the beginning of summer, the Center for Student Involvement encourages all registered student organizations to complete the following checklist:

  • Complete the Student Organization Survey by April 19
    • This survey is designed to collect information on communication preferences, group accomplishments such as conference attendance and events hosted, social media use, and student learning outcomes. At least one member from every student organization should complete this survey. Advisors and additional members may also complete the survey.
  • Confirm summer contact information
    • All student organization presidents were sent an email from the CSI program coordinator, Ashley Douglass, earlier this week to confirm they will be the primary contact for their organization throughout the summer and into the fall. To update the primary contact for your organization, please email Ashley Douglass at aldouglass@k-state.edu with your organization's name, the first and last name of your new summer contact, and the email address that your contact will check throughout the summer. 
  • Transition from OrgSync to new online student management platform
    • The transition from OrgSync to the new online student management platform will occur this summer. All files saved in OrgSync are expected to transfer smoothly to the new system. However, we recommend you download and save any files that you may need immediate access to over the summer incase they may be unavailable to you during the transition.
  • Save the date for fall 2019 Week of Welcome Activities Carnival
    • The fall 2019 Activities Carnival will take place in the evening on Thursday, Aug. 29. All student organizations are encouraged to host a booth at this event. Registration for this event will open later this summer. Please make sure your primary contact information is updated (see above) to receive an announcement when event registration opens.
  • Save the date for 2019-2020 student organization registration
    • Registration for the 2019-2020 academic year will take place Sept. 9-27, 2019. Student organizations currently registered through the center via OrgSync will have their registration rollover to fall 2019. Student organization primary contacts will be notified should an early bird registration process open in the summer. 

The Center for Student Involvement will continue to communicate updates and information about these processes via email to the primary contact for each organization as identified above, as well as the website, CSI Update e-newsletter, K-State Today and Twitter. Please contact the center with any questions or concerns at studentinvolvement@k-state.edu.