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  4. »Farris, Redeker present at national ACUI conference

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

April 17, 2019

Farris, Redeker present at national ACUI conference

Submitted by Center for Student Involvement

In March, Kelli Farris, executive director of the Center for Student Involvement, and Maureen Redeker, associate general counsel, presented two educational sessions at the 2019 annual conference for the Association of College Unions International in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Their first session, "Insightful Partnerships: Working with campus in-house general counsel," created engaging conversations covering the role of in-house counsel on a college campus as well as manners to create strong working relationships between student affairs practitioners and in-house counsel members. A second session they presented, "Reinventing Student Involvement Support," provided the opportunity to share an update of the student organization policy implemented on K-State's campus in fall 2017 with attendees including a number of the practical implications the university considered throughout the policy implementation.

Farris presented a third session, "Innovate with I-LEAD and I-LEAD Connect," which shared details about the premier student leadership program hosted by the association and encouraged attendees to participate in the program. Farris serves as the national program team lead for the I-LEAD, Institute for Leadership Education and Development, program for the next two years.

The Association of College Unions International is the professional home to thousands of campus community builders around the world. Primarily focused on the work of those within the college unions and student activities field, the association strives to support its members in the development of community through education, advocacy, and the delivery of services. At the 2019 annual association conference, roughly 1,000 leaders and practitioners of higher education from across the nation, Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom, gathered to learn, advance community and network.

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