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  4. »Find balance with online UFM classes

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

March 30, 2020

Find balance with online UFM classes

Submitted by Kayla Savage

While our lives have drastically changed since the beginning of the spring semester, UFM Community Learning Center continues the mission of providing learning opportunities for all. Regardless of your current location, you can keep learning and find balance by taking a UFM class online.

Explore noncredit UFM classes offered online here. Classes include Introduction to Portrait Photography, Using Photography to Tell Your Story, Pietra Fitness for Women, Karate & Self-Defense, Little Dragons, Introduction to Digital Photography, Increasing Positivity, Meal Planning Workshop, Heart-Centered Meditations, Introduction to Voiceovers, and Driving on Sunshine: Electric Cars.

Global Campus/UFM recreational credit classes have successfully moved online. There are still spots available in the one-hour First Aid/CPR credit classes starting soon.

Are you interested in teaching a class through UFM? Connect with your community and share your knowledge, passion or hobby. Noncredit classes can be taught online or in-person when social distancing guidelines are relaxed but social distancing doesn't mean social disconnection.

Visit the UFM website for more information about teaching a class and contact Kayla Savage at koney@k-state.edu with your topic.