April 6, 2020
NSF CAREER session offered Wednesday, April 8
The Office of Research Development will host an informational session about the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development, known as CAREER, Program from 3-5 p.m. Wednesday, April 8, via Zoom.
The CAREER program is the most prestigious award given by NSF and supports junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars.
The session will begin with presentations on the requirements for submission, review criteria, submission protocol and evaluation resources. Following these, a panel of recent Kansas State University CAREER awardees will provide tips on submitting and receiving an award under this program. Session attendees will also have the opportunity to participate in a CAREER Writing Clinic that will begin after the session and end in July when proposals are due.
Please fill out the registration form to attend this session. For questions or more information contact Mary Lou Marino at mlmarino@k-state.edu.