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  4. »Free online safety and compliance training

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

August 21, 2020

Free online safety and compliance training

Submitted by Adam Ukena

The K-State Department of Environmental Health and Safety offers various training courses online through a learning management system. These courses are available to any employee or student of the university — anyone with an eID — at no cost. Depending on the nature of your job duties, you may be required to take some of these online training courses.

Safety training options range from University Laboratory Safety to First Aid and many other topics. Among the newer compliance options this year is the K-State Hazardous Waste Awareness Training and a related annual refresher, which replace the in-person training. New training titles are added annually. This year we are also adding Autoclave Safety and Field Research Safety and hope to have a Shop Safety course later in the year.

While most courses are focused on environmental compliance and safety topics, a few human resources titles are also available. A complete list of available training courses and how to register are available online.

You may work with EHS to assign specific training courses to people. The system will send email reminders and track completion. Department-level reports and statistics of training compliance are a feature of the LMS. Custom courses may also be developed to deploy and track through the Vivid LMS — these have an initial cost.

Contact Adam Ukena, EHS training support specialist, at abu66535@k-state.edu for registration or to learn more about the system, reporting and different training options.