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  4. »Civil Unrest Virtual Counseling Sessions offered to faculty and staff

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

October 21, 2020

Civil Unrest Virtual Counseling Sessions offered to faculty and staff

Submitted by Human Capital Services

Kansas State University recognizes the civil unrest that is present across our nation and in our local communities. The nation, including our students, faculty and staff, is talking about race and the systems that perpetuate racial inequalities, inequities and injustice. 

The most recent disruptions present during KSUnite highlight the need to keep conversations alive. We recognize; however, that these conversations may heighten experiences resulting in emotional, physical and mental stressors for K-State's faculty and staff. While in the workplace, the civil unrest may also have an impact on overall employee morale.

Human Capital Services has partnered with the State of Kansas Employee Assistance Program to have a counselor available virtually on Oct. 29. Aaron Henderson, a licensed professional counselor, will be available and faculty and staff may sign up for short 15-minute individual counseling sessions or for an hourlong group session that accommodates up to 20 persons. If you are interested in one of these sessions but find that Oct. 29 will not work for you, there is a place to express your interest in the form.

To sign up for a session or express interest in a future session, please access the Civil Unrest Virtual Counseling Session registration form. Please note that all registration information is confidential, and any registration information may be used including name and preferred email address. Session confirmation will be sent to contact information provided.

As a reminder, additional assistance is available through Employee Assistance Program services by calling 888-275-1205, press Option No 1.