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  4. »Reorganization of Office of the Registrar

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

March 29, 2021

Reorganization of Office of the Registrar

Submitted by Karen Goos

In a continued effort to maximize resources and continue collaboration and cross-training, the Office of the Registrar consolidated what was previously three units into two main units effective March 21.

Student Support Services encompasses areas such as enrollment, waivers, records, grades, registration, transcripts, NCAA eligibility/certification, graduation, commencement, transfer articulation, the National Student Clearinghouse, military tuition assistance, residency reclassification and more.

Academic Technology Support encompasses areas such as DARS/u.achieve; academic and classroom scheduling — KSIS and 25Live; curriculum and catalog support — Curriculog and Acalog; imaging, or Perceptive support; KSIS; and system and student data security.

The third area, Enrollment Systems and Operations has been realigned under the vice provost for enrollment management. It will support all enrollment management by providing expertise and guidance for internal data and reporting needs for units housed within Enrollment Management, university-level requests for student-specific reports or datasets, and enrollment systems. This new model aligns with the Data Governance or Data Stewards as defined by the university. It will help streamline the requests that come into the offices of the Registrar, Financial Assistance and Admissions, ensuring consistency and accuracy in reporting needs and coordination of systems.

These changes and additional details are available in the revised organizational charts PDF.

Previously, you may have had a specific point of contact within the Office of the Registrar. In this new model, it is requested that you use primary unit emails, as staffing groups will now be assigned to the emails rather than contacting a particular staff member in the office.

A “Who does what” guide will soon be shared with associate deans of academic affairs, the advising listserv and the Academic Records Group. The plan is for the “Who Does What” SharePoint document to be a growing list that will shift and change as staff members cross-train and begin providing service in this new model.

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