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  4. »Spring 2021 Faculty Development Award and University Small Research Grants announced

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
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April 30, 2021

Spring 2021 Faculty Development Award and University Small Research Grants announced

Submitted by Erin Pennington

The Office of Research Development announces the winners of the spring 2021 Faculty Development Award and University Small Research Grants.
Two Faculty Development Award proposals were submitted for a total amount requested of $5,679 and 14 proposals for University Small Research Grant proposals were submitted for a total amount requested of $54,981. Spring 2021 Faculty Development Awards and University Small Research Grants awarded totaled $60,660.
Faculty Development Award:
  • Geraldine Craig, art, "la Moua Yang and Nhu Fang Yang: Mother-in-laws, Migration, and Mennonites." Textiles in Motion & Transit conference late fall 2021, The International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, The Netherlands, $2,272.
 University Small Research Grants:
  • Genevieve Baudoin, architecture, "Form/Material: The Architectural Potential of Additive Manufacturing," $4,500.
  • Sam Bell, political science, "The Blame Game: When do citizens hold their governments accountable for human rights violations?" $4,000.
  • Adulsak "Otto" Chanyakorn, architecture, "An interconnectivity of architecture & urban piazzas of the 1748 map of Rome (Nolli map) for the American Academy in Rome Proposal," $2,216.
  • Jeba Jesudoss Chelladurai, diagnostic medicine/pathobiology, "Whole-genome sequencing to identify resistance-associated genes in a zoonotic tapeworm," $4,500.
  • Sim Jung Jun, social work, "Social Isolation, Loneliness, Social Connection, and Depressive Symptoms among Rural Older Adults during the Pandemic," $4,500.
  • Shakil Kashem, landscape architecture and regional & community planning, "Exploring the nexus between social vulnerability, built environment, and the spread of COVID-19: a multi-city study," $4,050.
  • Meena Kumari, anatomy and physiology, "Effect of chronic cannabis exposure on human astrocytes," $4,485.
  • Sarah Lancaster, agronomy, "Using residual herbicides to reduce the weed seed bank and manage herbicide-resistant weeds," $4,400.
  • Abigail Langston, geography and geospatial sciences, "Determining absolute ages of erosion-inhibiting talus piles in wide and narrow bedrock valleys: Quantifying conceptual frameworks of bedrock valley development," $4,500.
  • Amy Rosine-Underwood, music, "Recording of commissioned works by American composer Gwyneth Walker," $4,500.
  • Anthony Warnick, art, "A Blank on The Map," $3,045.
  • Leslie Wren, landscape architecture and regional & community planning, "Landscape Architects’ Awareness & Actions in Support of Landscape Laborer Safety," $2,815.
Faculty Development Awards and University Small Research Grants are awarded each fall and spring by the Office of the Vice President for Research through the Office of Research Development.
Faculty Development Awards support travel expenses to present research, scholarly or creative work or a performance at an international meeting or to visit an external funder or sponsor. University Small Research Grants are seed grants to support small research projects, scholarly activity, and other creative efforts. Both programs are meant to catalyze a faculty member's RSCAD career success. As such, new faculty and faculty from disciplines with minimal outside support are given priority for both awards, as are trips or projects that enhance awardees' abilities to compete for extramural funding. All proposals are peer-reviewed and discussed in a panel. Unsuccessful applicants are given feedback on how to improve their proposals.
Faculty Development Award and University Small Research Grant reviewers were Carl Ade, kinesiology; Joel Anderson, Office of Research Development; Hugh Cassidy, economics; Jennifer Francois, family studies and human services; Jessica Lane, special education counseling and student affairs; Andrew Long, political science; Mary Lou Marino, Office of Research Development; Edward Nowlin, marketing; and Chad Schwartz, architecture. The contributions of our peer reviewers are greatly appreciated.