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  4. »Free comedy improv show presented by On the Spot Improv

K-State Today Student Edition

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

August 30, 2021

Free comedy improv show presented by On the Spot Improv

Submitted by Morgan Boyer

Do you like to laugh? Do you like free entertainment? Of course you do!

Join On the Spot Improv, a registered independent student organization, at 8 p.m. every Monday in Forum Hall in the K-State Student Union for a free improv show.

In addition to playing games as seen on "Whose Line is It Anyway," come witness our Long Form performance. The best way to describe a Long Form is as a 20-minute improvised play. You can see anything from an apocalypse caused by rubber duckies to Beyoncé having tea with Queen Elizabeth. Not even we know what will happen until it does. We'd love to see you all there.

For more information about On the Spot, follow us on Facebook, or Twitter and Instagram: @onthespotksu. 

Feel free to talk to one of our members as well. They are Ashlyn Kullberg, Braden Funk, Garrett Gunnerson, Jacob Casey, Joe Dotterweich, Lauren Molenda, Morgan Boyer, Oen Griffin and Zach Perez.