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  4. »Success Ambassadors celebrate resilient students

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

March 4, 2022

Success Ambassadors celebrate resilient students

Submitted by Success Ambassadors and the Office of Student Success

Resiliency Week 2022

The Success Ambassadors launched a Student Success campaign called Resiliency Week, Feb. 21-25. This campaign highlighted the determination, creativity and resiliency of K-Staters. Success Ambassadors interviewed students across the university to learn what makes them resilient, what challenges they have faced in the past year, and how they have kept themselves motivated.

As we near the middle of this semester, we hope these student stories can bring motivation and energy to keep pushing through. Check out all the stories on Instagram @kstatesuccess or on the Success Ambassador website. Don't forget to follow @kstatesuccess to stay up to date on all Student Success resources.

The Academic Achievement Center Success Ambassadors are a team of K-State students that help connect current students, future students and faculty/staff to student success resources at K-State and within the Academic Achievement Center. The ambassador group is passionate about connecting students to resources that will help them thrive, engaging students in their academic ambitions, and supporting students to achieve their K-State goals. Interested in joining? Apply now!