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  4. »Nominations now open for 2022 K-State International Educator of the Year award

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

September 16, 2022

Nominations now open for 2022 K-State International Educator of the Year award

Submitted by Grant Chapman

The Office of International Programs announces the K-State International Educator of the Year award nomination process for 2022. The nominations for the award are due by 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30. 

The award program began in 2003 to recognize an individual who has made significant contributions to advancing international education on our campus. Faculty, staff, administrators and other members of the K-State community are recognized for major contributions and sustained commitment to internationalizing our campus.

"The 2022 international educator of the year award is a benchmark and a celebration for our K-State community," said Marcellus Caldas, assistant provost for international faculty collaborations and educational programs. "It represents many years of faculty and staff commitment to elevating international awareness and highlighting those implementing global education and exchange."

The provost's office and Office of International Programs will announce the 2022 International Educator of the Year during International Education Week in November. The award will be formally presented during the spring All-University Awards Ceremony in spring 2023 and includes a $1,000 honorarium.

The International Educator of the Year award announcement is a big part of K-State's International Education Week, to be celebrated this year from Nov. 4-18. The week is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of Education and Department of State. It provides an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide, which serves to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn and exchange experiences in the United States.

For questions about the award nomination process, contact Caldas at caldasma@k-state.edu. For questions about International Education Week or including your event as part of International Education Week activities, please contact oip@k-state.edu