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K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

November 11, 2022

Advisor Forum presents November Charlie Award

Submitted by Beth Stuewe

The K-State Advisor Forum has selected Crystal Strauss, academic advisor in the Alan Levin Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, for the November Charlie Award.

Strauss was nominated for the award by her colleagues because she has gone above and beyond in helping students and others in her department.

"I nominated Crystal because of the energy, grace and time she has given to the department this year, during a period when the advisory team was short-staffed, there were increased student needs, and several new processes being implemented," said Amy Brox. "She worked long hours to ensure things were taken care of so that student needs were met with excellent delivery. She onboarded a new advisor in the department while learning and adapting to new processes and job duties at the same time."

In addition to advising hundreds of students, Strauss supervises department ambassadors and she is the undergraduate program coordinator. 

"Crystal is an integral part of the mechanical and nuclear engineering department," said Kevin Wanklyn, undergraduate program director for the department. "Her advising approach allows students to have a voice while always being transparent and knowledgeable about what lies ahead in their academic journey. Crystal has proactively built, adapted and updated many resources that help the student experience in mechanical and nuclear engineering be the best it can possibly be. Her passion and dedication to quality advising have — and will continue to have — a positive impact on students in the mechanical and nuclear engineering department."

Strauss is cherished by students because she advises with a holistic approach.

"Crystal is an amazing advisor and mentor," one advisee said. "I have witnessed Crystal go above and beyond for student success and livelihood. She genuinely cares about students' mental health aside from their academic success and does an amazing job recommending any necessary resources. She offers an immense amount of support to all students, whether they are her advisees or not. To me, she has been an important part of my support system and is someone I know will always have my best interest at heart."

Strauss goes above and beyond in every aspect of her work, spending whatever extra hours and effort it takes to help students. 

"Crystal won't say it, but she prides herself on putting others and their needs before her own," one advisee said. "Crystal is involved everywhere in the mechanical and nuclear engineering department. Even with all of her involvements, she has always been available and excited to help me excel in my curriculum and life in general."

Most of all, Strauss has a caring and impactful presence with students. 

"In my time at K-State, Crystal has been one of the most helpful and welcoming people I've had the pleasure of working with," one advisee said. "She is always very kind and works tirelessly to help others be the best they can."

The Advisor Forum thanks Strauss for the work she has done and congratulates her on this award.

For more information on the Charlie Award or to learn how to nominate someone, please visit the Recognition page on the Office of Student Success website. Nominations are accepted year-round and can be received from anyone across campus. Once a nomination is received, it remains an active nomination for one full year. One award will be given out at the beginning of each month. The Advisor Forum Committee will make the decision and deliver awards.